
Site Audit

As a part of 🍎Core Coverage or a 🔍Diagnostic, we conduct various kinds of audits once or on a regular schedule. These guides discuss the details of each audit and what you should expect when you run it. All audits should be done using the relevant template in the table, which will contain a checklist of actions to take.

The Asana tasks for the site audits should be kept within the Rituals table, the 🏄Big Board, and the relevant project. They should have a recurring due date which matches the level of 🍎Core Coverage that the site has.

When you are done with the audit, send the report to the relevant PM within the Asana task. By default, the Strategist should be the one who conveys the results of the audit to the client, in a format that they can understand.


  • Curiosity: Look deeply and try to find every possible thing you might want to mention in your report.
  • Pragmatism: However, we may not pursue every issue. It is up to the PM and strategist to decide if something is worth us spending the client’s resources on.
  • Candor: If we find a problem, we report it, even if it is our fault and it makes us look bad.
  • Strategic Thinking: We think as if we were leaders within the client’s business. What kinds of results would we be looking for? Do we see those borne out?


✅ Do…

  • Use non-standard tools if the specific site in question requires it. Document your choices in the .
  • PMs: Ensure that the person you are assigning an audit to has access to the correct tools before they start. Don’t leave it to them to figure it out.
  • Strategists: Convey the results of each audit to the client in a format they will understand.
  • Report issues even if they are a stretch goal for us to solve. You never know.
  • Use the required tools, but also add your own expertise/perspective
  • Summarize your findings in a report in the table, using the correct template.
  • Try to stick within the time guidelines provided below, unless approved by the PM

🚫 Don’t…

  • Recommend trying to fix issues that are unsolvable without telling the PM that.

✅ Do…

🚫 Don’t…

Audit Types

NameAnticipated Duration (First Time)Anticipated Duration (Ongoing)

4-20 hours

2-8 hours

2-3 hours

1 hour

2-4 hours

1 hour

1-2 hours

1 hour

1-2 hours

30 minutes