
To manage a website effectively, you have to write everything down. For every site we manage, we maintain a document within the ‣ that represents the site.

The document should be created when we first touch the site, whether in a New Build or Tune-Up. We should then keep it updated any time we change the site.

One primary function of Site Documentation is QA. QA testers will refer to the documentation whenever they test the site. Therefore it is important that it always be up to date.

<aside> ☝ Note: Site Documentation is not the same as a README file, which would contain instructions for running a repo locally, and other details. It is more of a contextual document.


🏅 Principles

📏 Rules

✅ Do…

🚫 Don’t…

Typical Outline

The documentation, complete with checklists and design mockups, enables even newcomers to effectively test a site.