We always quote our services based on value and typical pricing. If a client has exceptional circumstances or we want to do them a favor, we may offer a discount on that fee. We always try to show the “Sticker” price so everyone is clear on the value of what is being delivered, even if we are providing a discount.

The Strategist has the authority to set prices and apply discounts at their discretion.

Friends & Family

For Friends & Family clients we typically provide a 25% discount. Compute the fees as normal and then deduct the discount as an overall invoice or line-item discount.


Complementary Services

If we make a significant mistake and offer free work to the client, we should quote it as normal, but with a 100% discount. This ensures that our normal workflow is respected and the client can see the value we are offering for free.

Multi-Site Discount

If one Client has more than one site on Core Coverage, we offer a 10% discount on each Core Coverage fee.