
Staff Types

We have three ways of working with Cantilever:
NamePurposeContractCompensationChoice of WorkPlanning InvolvementWorking ScheduleCantilever Email?Benefits & Bonuses?Tracks Time in Harvest?Slack AccessAsana AccessNotion AccessZoom Account (Legacy)On Weekly Team Calls/Sprint Planning?In Cantilever Community Events?Pay Transparency?

In-house staff accountable to the company as a whole in addition to their work

In-house staff accountable to the company as a whole in addition to their work

Standardized based on Compensation and Benefits documentation

Receive preference for choice of projects/tasks but are expected to occasionally take on important work for the company that might not be their first choice

Involved by default in company-wide decisions

Full Time: 35 hours/week expected in Harvest on average Part-Time: Varies, but should be above 20 hours per week on average




βœ…, role depends on position



Assessments shown in team directory

Contract staff accountable to deliver on their specific task and project assignments

Independent Contractor

Currently not standardized. In the future, will be standardized based on Compensation and Benefits documentation

Free to choose what they prefer to work on (from what’s been made available to them) and the amount of work they want to take on

Invited to provide feedback on relevant topics on a case-by-case basis

Varied workload (based on client needs and availability of talent)

Partial. Invited to #cantilever-contributors, #campfire, #announcements and specific project channels. Should be a multi-channel guest rather than a regular member

Partial. Added to specific projects & tasks. Not in Cantilever Core Team.

Only to Cantilever Community Teamspace + Specific project/client-related pages

Only when position demands it

May be invited on occasion

βœ…, but time spent is not billable to Cantilever

Rates available to people who need to know in order to do their job (Strategists, PMs, leadership)

External firms or individuals who provide specific services to Cantilever, ex. Law firms, accountants, etc

Individuals: Independent Contractor. Businesses: B2B contract

Not standardized. Finance should evaluate what we can pay based on circumstances and needs.










In the books; ask Ty and he will tell you