Available For...
Full TimePart Time
How to Request


We offer paid leave for both salaried and hourly employees.

Full-Timers are automatically off work on US bank holidays, and on their birthday. If their birthday is on a holiday or weekend, they can take an adjacent day instead. Up to twice a year a full-timer can work on a bank holiday and take an additional PTO day another time.

Full-Timers receive 15 days of additional PTO per year. This accrues automatically in Gusto each pay period.

Part-time team members receive PTO at the same rates as our full-timers, accounting for both holidays and vacation time (0.12 hours of PTO per hour worked).

We encourage all salaried employees to use their full paid leave every year. If you do not use all of your PTO it will roll over from year to year, up to a maximum balance of 1.75 years worth of paid leave at any given time.

Salaried employees may go “into the negative” with their PTO with permission from their manager. For example, if a salaried person only has 20 hours of PTO left and wants to take a 35 hour vacation, they may do so with permission. Gusto will then display -15 hours of PTO for them and they must accrue back up to a positive number before taking more PTO.

Gusto Submission

Gusto keeps track of PTO balances (both vacation and sick time) for all full- and part-time US-based team members.

Our Vacation Time policies in Gusto are set up on Cantilever’s expectation that a working “Day” is seven hours (not eight). The full-time PTO policy accrues 105 hours per year (15 days times 7 hours per day) So as a full-timer, when you take PTO, please take seven hours per full day you are taking off.

We expect full-timers to be putting 35 hours per week into Harvest on average. Therefore your logged PTO plus your Harvest time for any given week should equal 35 total hours.

Election Pay

We encourage Cantilever team members to vote in every local and national election they can participate in. You may take up to one full day off in order to vote. If you are salaried you do not have to request this PTO in Gusto, just take the time off. Please try to work the rest of the day if you can. If you are part-time, please log your time voting under “Uncategorized” in “Company & Culture” in Harvest and you will get paid out via Gusto as if you had worked that time.

Jury Duty Pay

We provide up to five days of additional paid time off per Jury Duty summons.

  • If you are on salary, you do not have to take PTO to cover time you miss during Jury Duty, just take the time off.
  • If you are hourly, you may log up to 35 hours per summons to the “Election/Jury Duty Pay” task in Harvest.

After the initial 35 hours, Cantilever will provide whatever pay is required of employers in your state. We may also provide additional pay or benefits at the discretion of the Ops department.

Jury duty often includes a lot of downtime. While Cantilever is continuing to pay you while on Jury Duty, we expect that you will do your best to work during this downtime. For example, please bring your laptop and phone, and contribute however possible given your particular circumstances. If you would prefer to take the time totally off, you can always take PTO.