Birthday policy (pre-2021)

This policy is obsolete but here for the record.


We love birthdays! So we like to celebrate when a team member has a birthday by doing fun stuff for them.

The stipend allotted for your birthday meal is independent from your quarterly snack stipend or the EOQ snack surprise

What to Expect

  • The team will (badly) sing "Happy Birthday" to you during a weekly group call
  • Cantilever will contact you to assess your household size and give you a stipend so that you can purchase a nice birthday meal for yourself and you family.
  • The team will pass their thoughts along to our social media team, informing them about what you uniquely bring to the team. The social media team will select some statements and post them on social media.
    • You may be contacted by the social media team with questions about tagging you in posts
    • The Head of Culture (@Rebecca Testrake) will send you the full report so that you can read the collection of nice things said about you!


  • After you order your birthday meal, submit the receipt for reimbursement:
    • Most team members should refer to
    • Team members in Denmark, refer to
  • If you need help procuring your meal, you may ask for assistance and somebody from the People Ops Department can order it and schedule a delivery for you using a service like DoorDash.