Create a Ghost Inspector Test


We often do not simply QA something once. As tasks are completed and more QA is done, we need to re-test that existing features don’t break from changes - regression testing. Writing a test in Ghost InspectorGhost Inspector is a way to automatically regression test certain features.

Ghost InspectorGhost Inspector tests are automated and are simply running through a list of instructions. Because of this, specificity is important - the tool must know clearly exactly what actions to do and where on the page. A test failing can be from the test steps themselves becoming invalidated just as often as a true problem.

Who can do this

You will need access to our studio Ghost InspectorGhost Inspector account. This is a task best suited for a developer or QA engineer. If you’re writing a test based on a recent task or project, it’s strongly recommended the relevant developer or QA engineer are involved in test creation.

What you need

  • Access to Ghost Inspector by logging in with the Studio email account.
  • An understanding of the scope of the test (”What are we checking for, exactly?”)


Creating the Module

Create and name the module in the appropriate location
Consider the steps for a successful test
Begin creating the test in Ghost Inspector
Confirm the test works correctly
Adjust any URLs in the test to the baseURL variable
Set the test as an import-only

Importing to Run the Test

If necessary, create a new suite
Create a new test in the appropriate suite
Add a step to the test to import the appropriate module