

🏠Digital Hospitality requires that we make projects that work as they are supposed to (if not better)! We rely on Quality Assurance to find bugs or errors in our coding. We want to find errors before the client does! QA Engineers: Your goal is to comb through the project looking for things that do not belong. If you cannot break it, then we know our project is ready.


  • Hospitality: Keep the end user at the heart of QA efforts. Prioritize testing that enhances the user journey, ensuring products are intuitive, accessible, and effectively meet user needs.
  • Clarity: Ensure your findings and communications are clear and straightforward. Precise reporting enables effective problem-solving and collaboration, making it easier to address and rectify issues.
  • Proactivity: Constantly seek out potential problems before they arise. Your forward-thinking approach prevents issues from reaching the end user, enhancing the product's reliability and user satisfaction.
  • Teamwork: Emphasize collaboration across all departments. Quality assurance is a team effort, and your engagement is crucial for aligning design, development, and user experience to achieve the project's goals.

📏 QA Rules

✅ Do…

  • Utilize Designated Testing Tools: Use approved tools for QA efficiency.
  • Document Bugs Clearly: Provide concise, detailed bug reports with reproduction steps.
  • Prioritize User Experience: Ensure products are intuitive, accessible and meet user needs.
  • Promote Continuous Learning: Keep abreast of software and QA developments to enhance testing.


🔎QA (Quality Assurance) Overview🧷QA Engineers and Emergencies♻️QA & Project’s Lifecycle🧪About API Testing

🔍Site Quality Standards

🚫 Don’t

  • Share Credentials or Outsource Work: Keep work in-house and secure; seek support if overwhelmed.
  • Ignore Minor Bugs: Non-critical issues can drastically affect the user experience.
  • Compromise Quality for Speed: Never rush testing at the expense of quality; communicate with the team if time estimates are not realistic
  • Miss Deadlines: Communicate potential delays early to avoid compromising project timelines.

External Tools

🍄BrowserStack📝Annotated list of Accessibility Assessment Tools

📚 Annotated List of Articles and Resources on Accessibility

TitleAuthorAddressResource LocationPublished byOur Thoughts

Robin Magritte + Adrienne Travis


Cantilever (privately hosted, but publicly accessible)

The first iteration of a checklist that we used. It’s not fully up to date but useful to glance at and get a general idea of what we look for. To view the checklist, open the listing

Robin Magritte + Adrienne Travis


Cantilever (privately hosted, but publicly accessible)

The first iteration of a checklist that we used. It’s not fully up to date but useful to glance at and get a general idea of what we look for. To view the checklist, open the listing

Robin Magritte


Cantilever (private)

Cantilever’s growing history with accessibility

Robin Magritte


Cantilever (private)

How can Cantilever do even better?

Robin Magritte


Cantilever (private)

Getting a head start on changes that WCAG is releasing

Web Accessibility Initiative



Helpful Resource

Web Accessibility Initiative



This is THE LIST.

Eileen Webb



A first-person narrative of what experiencing the web can be like for a person with disabilities