
Project Code

Every project we conduct (of any of our 🙌Services) should have a Project Code. This code should appear in Harvest, Asana, and anywhere else the project is represented.

The Project Code should be composed of a 🔤Client Code plus a number which goes up in sequence as we do projects with the client. So the first project we do for client XYZ is XYZ-1, the second project is XYZ-2, etc. For internal projects, the client code is CAN.

Is a 🎁Project an SOW? No, we ignore SOW numbering when numbering projects. Some projects are composed of multiple legal SOWs, while other SOWs contain multiple projects. There is no specific relationship between SOW numbers and project numbers.

📏 Rules

✅ Do…

  • Assign each project a code that is shown anywhere that project has a record

🚫 Don’t…

  • Repeat codes between different projects
  • Use the same client code for multiple clients
  • Deviate from the established format

🏁 Creating the Code

When we onboard a new client, the PM should create a new entry in the that corresponds to that client. When creating this entry, the PM should create a Client ID that has not been used yet. Typically this will be a shortening of the client’s name, though it’s fine also to have fun with it – for example, UEFA is FUT to reference football.


When creating the first project for the client, the first project code should be #1, ex. “ABC-1”. Add this code to the Asana project, Harvest project, and so on. In most platforms you need to just put the string within the text field for the project name, but platforms like Harvest have a special field for project codes, so please use that.


Please follow the conventions already in place on each platform for how the client codes are used.