


We conduct lots of meetings at Cantilever.

Project ManagerProject Managers are responsible for coordinating meetings and taking notes. We now use TLDVTLDV as a standard tool to replace manual note-taking.


  • Be Prompt. The PM is the host of the meeting and should be early if possible.
  • Be Friendly. Ask people about their day and get to know them.
  • Be Prepared. The PM should know the details of what the group is here to talk about and what they intended outcomes of the meeting are.
  • Run the Meeting. Meetings are not just ad-hoc conversations, they are meant to get to a specific outcome.
  • Follow up. Meetings should always lead to an outcome, and the PM is responsible for pushing forward that outcome.

📏 Rules

✅ Do…

  • Send all meeting invites via Google Calendar, including an agenda
  • Run all virtual meetings in Google Meet
  • Use TLDV (or at least record)
  • Follow up after the call providing the recording link and listing out the action items for the group
  • Pay full attention so you are the expert on what was discussed.

🚫 Don’t…

  • Send meeting invites less than 24 hours ahead of time, generally
  • Have unnecessary meetings. A meeting is only required when async communication is not sufficient.


PMs are accountable to make sure that all Action Items for the Cantilever team are then logged as s, with the appropriate assignee. PMs may need help clarifying such tasks, and should not hesitate to get help from the rest of the team.

Time Tracking

When conducting meetings, our team’s time should be tracked to the relevant Asana project and task. This should be intuitive based on the services being discussed, but when in doubt the Project ManagerProject Manager should make the final decision.

When discussing future work currently being planned, log time to 🍎Core Coverage. Once that work has become an official 🧭Planned Project or another service, log it within that project instead.

When discussing the business relationship between Cantilever and the client rather than a specific project, please track time to a non-billable category.