

Ensure all user-facing pages load in under 3 seconds on prod, except for extreme circumstances.


Ensure that user-facing pages load in under 2 seconds on prod, except for special cases Avoid serving resources on a page that are not needed for that specific page. For example, do not load homepage-specific scripts on pages other than the homepage. Use Cloudflare or another CDN for frontend asset delivery Minify all static assets through Cloudflare or locally if using a separate CDN Avoid including any unused CSS rules in final stylesheets delivered to clients (cough tailwind cough) Implement basic backend caching. Use "defer" for scripts. Load non-required scripts (ex. Twitter Pixel) deliberately late in the pageload order so that they do not interrupt the user experience


Configure expires headers and etags Trim and minify markup Implement a Lazyload technique for iframes (Ensure this is not noticible for the user) Utilize hardware acceleration to ensure animations are smooth Implement other basic jank-free techniques


Implement advanced jank-free techniques Strategically load font files asynchronously (allow FOUC, or hide content) Implement an SVG sprite instead of serving them in markup Implement object caching or other pinpoint caching methods (be careful to avoid too much caching) Implement Cloudflare or other edge distribution for markup

  • Ensure all user-facing pages load in under 10 seconds on prod, except for extreme circumstances
  • Avoid serving image files that are greatly larger than needed
  • Ensure all user-facing pages load in under 10 seconds on prod, except for extreme circumstances
  • Avoid serving image files that are greatly larger than needed