

πŸ›  Production
Comp Notes
L1 Salary

$40,000 to $53,500

L2 Salary

$46,750 to $73,750

L3 Salary

$67,000 to $100,750

L4 Salary

$94,000 to $134,500

L5 Salary

$127,750 to $175,000

L1 Hourly Wage

$27 to $36

L2 Hourly Wage

$31 to $49

L3 Hourly Wage

$45 to $67

L4 Hourly Wage

$63 to $90

L5 Hourly Wage

$85 to $117

Billable Target Min


Mission πŸ™

To help Cantilever clients fulfill their missions by building digital technology that meets the needs of their users.

Definition of Success πŸ“ˆ

  1. Successfully deliver code that solves client problems communicated in a spec or task.
  2. Consistently deliver complete work within self-agreed due dates
  3. Consistently deliver high-quality work within self-provided estimates
  4. Avoid critical bugs in production

Key Responsibilities πŸ’ͺ

  • Creates high-quality code that satisfies provided specs and design vision, and solves the client’s needs
  • Helps clarify upcoming work and helps strategists shape solutions
  • Prototypes and experiments with new techniques to ensure that our solutions are optimal
  • Coordinates with designers and strategists to ensure that our finished product is the highest quality possible

Key Skills 🀹🏽

Skills Database

SkillRolesLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5

Knows all common HTML tags and what they do. Knows the basics of how CSS works and can style a straightforward page independently without help. Can build a new component within an existing Cantilever site, following existing conventions.

Can create full pages which match design comps without requiring much help. Has mastery of HTML/CSS syntax. Writes clean, accessible markup. Can quickly debug layout errors. Can use Cantilever CSS frameworks to build complex pages with minimal help. Can optimize SVG images for inline or image display depending on the situation.

Can build components of any complexity within CSS frameworks without causing code bloat. Can deliver perfect visual fidelity without hacky code. Can quickly debug layout errors. Understands SVG animation techniques. Is an expert in HTML and CSS syntax and best practices. Is an expert in accessibility and how good markup enhances it. Can teach others their skills.

Can build own HTML/CSS frameworks. Is constantly keeping up with changes in web standards and browser support. Knows when it is appropriate to deviate from provided mockups and add nuanced touches that enhance the user experience. Can write code that matches provided designs in a much shorter timeframe.

Understands HTML/CSS on a root technical level and how it works under the hood. Can design in the browser. Can write CSS Algorithms and fancy stuff like that (See


Knows core vanilla javascript syntax and can write simple components within an existing site. Knows the basics of debugging JS using console.log and debugger tools. Can handle the JS layer for a small site without needing help.

Can build clean JS components within an existing framework or vanilla project, matching the conventions of the project. Strongly understands the common patterns of UI development (slideshows, menus, responsive heroes, filtering systems, etc.). Can debug quickly using debugger.

Expert in at least one JS framework along with vanilla. Can make smart architectural decisions. Can build a site’s JS layer from scratch, working from existing site models. Can build functional JS that handles complex business logic, not just UI components. Can understand and debug third-party JS. Can write JS unit tests within an existing framework.

Deep expert in several JS frameworks as well as fundamental vanilla JS. Understands JS unit testing and can set up a basic test suite for a project.

Is a leading expert in Javascript syntax, techniques, and best practices, current and upcoming. Can create robust JS unit test architecture. Can build advanced features in a fraction of the time.


Can read, understand, and debug existing backend code. Can implement basic functionality within an existing site. Understands common PHP syntax and is comfortable reading through PHP code.

Can implement a moderately complex route->controller->view feature within an existing MVC framework-based site (Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Yii, etc). Understands how to create simple PHPunit tests and how to modify existing ones.

Can build clean new sites on at least one MVC framework, without help. Can architect and create PHPunit test coverage for a project. Can architect and build complex features, like an API, within an MVC framework. Can work with a JS backend.

Has intimate knowledge of how common frameworks function. Is an expert in PHP syntax, best practices, and performance. Knows how to write extensive test coverage for an application. Understands JS backends strongly and can architect and write new applications in a framework like Express.

Can work in more useful languages other than PHP and JS (Ruby, Go, Elixer, Python, etc.). Is a leading expert on backend coding methodologies and techniques.


Knows how to implement a site in at least one CMS using by-the-book means. Can modify a CMS-driven site to add fields and update existing logic.

Has a strong understanding of how Cantilever approaches CMS integration for websites. Can build full features in an existing CMS-driven site. Can create a new simple site using at least one CMS. Can train content administrators in using CMS. Can create a clean, user-friendly interface for authors by configuring fields intuitively.

Can write custom code within a CMS-driven site to implement complex backend features. Can write plugins or field types to solve missing features of a CMS, and can debug CMS errors. Can write tests for their backend code within a CMS. Can implement a new CMS-based site cleanly without any help.

Could write their own basic CMS if they needed. Writes complex plugins and extensions that allow us to satisfy our project requirements without hacky code.

Has created their own CMS or similar robust application. Can debug core CMS code and contribute to open-source modifications for our common CMSes.


Can read and understand what a build process does (with help from documentation and google). Can run Cantilever projects locally and work effectively. Understands how simple servers and CDNs work. Can deploy code using GUI tools and basic Git-based deployment workflows.

Can create a new Cantilever project including a standard build proceess and local environment setup using Lando. Can modify a standard build process to suit the specific project they are working on. Can work within an existing server to find and fix permissions or other minor issues. Can create a simple new server setup using our guides.

Can implement local development tools that we’ve never implemented before. Can create a fully optimized build process from scratch. Knows how to implement Docker for our more complex builds. Can customize server settings like memory limits, Nginx rewrite rules, and logging. Knows Cloudflare intimately. Can debug most common server and CDN-related issues without help.

Can set up Docker for a complex multi-tenant project use-case. Can set up CI/CD workflows. Can optimize build processes for peers. Stays involved in the community and understands devops trends.

Can build new Node packages to address our common workflow issues. Can solve any server-related issue and can implement advanced rewrite techniques like full domain masking. Knows how to use Cloudflare service workers to optimize edge performance.


Can work with a template or existing site to customize colors, typography and site content

Can create a medium-sized Webflow site from scratch, matching provided or own designs.

Can translate a visual design into a custom built Webflow site using components and shared styles

Can create more advanced Webflow sites using collections and e-commerce features.

Able to create new custom components that are accessible and re-usable between Webflow projects. Is known as a Webflow expert.