How to Change Someone’s Staff Type

Sometimes, a team member will change from 🐑Core Team to 🚀Contributor or vice-versa. Often this will coincide with a change to/from a salary, which entails other updates too.Here are the steps that Ops needs to take:

From Contributor to Core Team Member

  1. In NotionNotion , add the person to the Core Team group. This will add them to the Core Team teamspace.
  2. In 1Password1Password add the person to the Core Team group.
  3. In SlackSlack change the person from a multi-channel guest to a regular team member.
  4. In AsanaAsana add the person to the Core Team team.
  5. In HarvestHarvest change them from a Contractor to an Employee. Update their cost rate as appropriate.
  6. If they are a developer, add them to the Development team in
  7. Issue them a RampRamp account if they don’t already have one. All Core Team members should have an account, and some contributors, depending on role. Add them to the “Perks” spend program corresponding to their status (full time/part time)
  8. Invite them to our ChatGPTChatGPT team
  9. Invite them to our TLDVTLDV team
  10. If the person is in the US…
    1. Update their GustoGusto profile to show them as an Employee, and update their compensation according to their new contract.
    2. If they are now full-time, add them to Take Command HealthTake Command Health
  11. If the person is not in the US, update their pay in Deel/Gusto (Final decision TBD on which one we are going to use)
  12. Update their entry
  13. Ensure they are added to any necessary Core Team meetings
  14. Post to the #announcements channel in Slack to let the team know about the changes.

From Core Team Member to Contributor

Do the above steps in reverse. For software which is optional for Contributors, feel free to leave their account in place if they still expect to need it.