Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, especially for remote workers. Mental illness impacts happiness, productivity and team cohesion. It can lead to...

We aim to support our team members and create a healthy and happy workplace, wherever they are. We want everyone to feel appreciated and be treated fairly.

People Ops (HR) is responsible for communicating this policy and overseeing its implementation. We want to make sure that this policy is inclusive in nature and will plan to revise this as our team needs grow.

Policy Elements

What are mental health issues?

Mental health issues in the workplace are any conditions that affect employees’ state of mind. These conditions may include mild depression, stress and severe anxiety which may result in burnout and nervous breakdowns. Substance abuse may also perpetuate mental health issues.

Mental health problems manifest in different ways. Some employees may suffer with no physical side effects, while others may experience physical symptoms (e.g. increased blood pressure, lethargy, changes in eating habits.)

Factors that cause mental health issues

Team Members may experience mental health issues for various reasons that an employer cannot control (e.g. hereditary, family conflicts, general health.) But, there are also work-related reasons for mental health problems, including:

  • Job insecurity.
  • Lack of appreciation.
  • Isolation due to remote work.
  • Pressure of delivering on time and at a high level all the time.
  • Unpleasant relationships with colleagues or managers.

Our goal is to recognize and address cases of workplace pressures that contribute to mental health issues especially as we continue to work in remote settings.

Cantilever Actions

We aim to:

  • Treat mental illness seriously.
  • Identify issues proactively and resolve them.
  • Support team members who face mental health problems.
  • Create pleasant workplaces no matter where you are with great collaboration between the team and its leaders.

Professional Services

Our hope is to in the future provide counseling to any team member who may wish to speak to a counselor for any matter of mental health. In the meantime, you can access some professional help for free here if you live in the U.S. For those of you in Canada access this website to learn more about how you can get connected with a mental health professional.

Mental Health Awareness

We want to raise mental health awareness and combat the stigmas associated with them. To do this, we will:

Job-related Issues

Additionally, we encourage open communication between team members and managers. If team members have a work-related problem, they should speak openly to their managers. Managers are in turn obliged to listen to their team members and should search for a mutually satisfying solution together. We do this each month in our 1:1's between team member and manager. However your manager should always be available for you to reach out to in between those scheduled meetings.

Managers’ Responsibilities

Managers should also proactively identify mental health issues among their team members. If they perceive that a team member is in a state of emotional or psychological distress, they should reach out to them.

Here are some tips on how managers can address an employee who suffers from mental health issues in common situations:

  • If a team member has work-related problems, managers should come up with a solution.
  • If a team member has issues collaborating with colleagues, managers should meet, via Google Meet call, with concerned team members and serve as mediators. If the problem is severe (e.g. harassment, victimization), managers should contact the People Ops team.
  • If a team members problems are personal or the team member refuses to discuss them, managers should encourage them to contact their mental health professional.

Compliance with the Law

The law protects team members who suffer from medical conditions (e.g. clinical depression) or mental disorders (e.g. schizophrenia.) Consistent with our non-discrimination practices, we will treat all team members fairly and we won’t oblige anyone to disclose their condition or other medical information. Instead, we will attempt to support team members who come to us with mental health issues and establish strategies that apply to everyone.

Also, we will make reasonable accommodations for people with mental disabilities (Working remotely covers this well and allows greater flexibility than a traditional workplace).

Mental Health Resources

  • Cait Donovan is a burnout coach. Her definition of burnout is much broader than the conventional one. Ty heard her present at a meetup and she was really thoughtful and interesting on the topic. You may like to check out her Podcast and Website.
  • Paul Colaianni is a Behavior and Relationship Coach and Host of The Overwhelmed Brain Podcast. He has set out to help empower others to make decisions that are right for them. He has extended this specific survey to the Cantilever team and will respond to your answers with helpful podcast episodes and resources.
  • Survey from Paul
  • Paul Podcasts: