We have staff working different schedules in different time zones across the world, so by default, we communicate using asynchronous methods rather than phone calls and meetings. We don’t expect immediate responses and want people to stay focused.

<aside> ☝🏽 Exception for New People

New team members, especially technical and design staff, will always need a little extra help getting up to speed on Cantilever methodologies, and should have more synchronous time as they do.


We prefer consistent response over immediate response. Doing our best work requires focused blocks of time to oneself, engaging meetings with clients, family time, and time to breathe and reflect.

That said, we do run into emergencies from time to time, and need the phone to handle them. You should expect calls and texts rarely, but they are important and you should answer them as quickly as possible.


✅ Do…


🚫 Don’t…



Video Calls at Cantilever

Client Communication Guidelines

Cantilever Style Guide